11-21-24 Studio Recital: Princesses and Beyond

Please click button below to download program pdf:

Zoom Meeting ID: 981 2996 7220
Zoom Passcode: 727000
Complete Zoom Invitation Link:

“Princesses and Beyond”

Below please find recommended adjustments to Zoom for optimal performing and listening:

Update Zoom to most current version

Under audio settings, please select “Original sound for musicians.” In the pull-out menu below that, select “Echo cancellation,” “High fidelity music mode,” and “stereo audio.”

Zoom instructions for host:
    • Go to Zoom and click “join meeting”
      Zoom Meeting ID: 981 2996 7220
      Zoom Passcode: 727000
    • Host clicks “begin recording”
    • Introductory remarks
    • Ask all to click “view” (in upper right hand corner of screen) and select “speaker mode” (NOT “gallery”)
    • Ask all attendees to mute their audio and video.
    • Begin performance. For each solo performance, host does the following:
      1. At the bottom of the participants pop-up panel, click “mute all”
      2. Hover over performer’s name on the participants panel, click “more”, click “spotlight for everyone.” Note: this specific performer will be asked by Zoom to unmute.
      3. Performer unmutes their audio
      4. Performer sings their song
      5. Host removes spotlight from performer

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      • Repeat these steps for each performer
      • End of recital: ask all to unmute
      • Host clicks “stop recording” and saves recording to cloud