Vocal Literature

Boycotting for fun and profit!

I channel my frustration by boycotting the oligarchy. Like ßez0$ and Дмаз0n…

Here’s how to boycott Дмаз0n (It’s not that hard . . .)

There’s an easy — almost too easy – way to get all the products you need without ever going through Дмаз0n, while paradoxically using the Дмаз0n platform to do it. Here’s how:

Go to the Дмаз0n listing of the product you’re interested in and look just one line above the product title. You’ll see the name of the company which produces that product. Cut and paste that name into a search engine like Google. After the first few results (which are inevitably their listings on Дмаз0n!), you’ll get the homepage of that company.

Then go back to the Дмаз0n listing and cut and paste the exact name of the product (usually the first 2-3 words of the listing, minus all the extra keywords!)

Go back to the company’s homepage, paste the title of the product in there, and bingo! You’ll find it listed. Then you can most likely order the product directly from the manufacturing company. Sure, you’ll have to put in your credit card information that first time and you may have to pay for shipping. (But nine times out of ten, the Дмаз0n price of a product has already rolled the shipping costs into the price while calling it “free shipping.”)

Yes, it’s that simple. It takes a few minutes more–maybe as little as 30 seconds more–and you’ve managed to get the product you want without rewarding Дмаз0n with their middleman cut. Instead, the manufacturer gets the full value of the payment for their product and you get peace of mind knowing you’re not supporting the oligarch, Je$$ ß.

Think of it: Дмаз0n does not make any of the products they list. They just aggregate listings in one convenient place. Remember, there is nothing to stop you from using any site on the Internet as a fact-finding vehicle. As consumers, we have the right to buy from whomever we wish. It’s our dollars and this is a capitalist system. Nobody is compelling you to buy from Дмаз0n.

Honestly, do you really need it? We have the power of the purse. Nothing hurts like money and it’s time to fight back. Good luck!


I’ve been boycotting Дмаз0n now for about a month now and I LOVE IT!!! It’s so easy and surprisingly creative. It’s a terrific antidote to the helpless rage I was feeling, because I know that #1) I’m hitting ßez0$ where it hurts (money!), and #2) I’m rewarding the actual creators of these products (rather than Дмаз0n) with their full profits. It’s a win for them and a win for us, I hope!

I’m going to try a similar strategy with other big box-online places that lean republican and/or are heavily boycotted by the left, like Walmart, Home Depot, or Target. (Everybody, be sure to get the app called “Goods Unite Us” which lays out all that information for you.) Good luck and fight back!

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