Myth Debunked: “There Are too Many Sopranos”
The prevailing myth that there are “too many sopranos” in the world of vocal music has persisted for far too long. Let’s debunk that misconception for good by shedding some light on the indispensable role that sopranos play in our music world. While all voice types are certainly needed, it’s crucial not to underestimate the significance of sopranos in choral and solo performances.
The Evolution of the Soprano Voice in Singing
In the early history of choral singing, treble voices were predominantly provided by boy sopranos. In the operatic world, the soprano voices were altered male voices: the castratos. During this period, the societal role of women was confined primarily to domestic settings,
where undoubtedly they were singing! Gradually, women were included on the stage and in choirs, bringing with them their many gifts. And, who is always there and always prepared? Usually, it’s the sopranos.
The Pillars of the Singing Industry
Want in on a little secret? It is the sopranos of the world who are holding up the entire singing industry. Try this thought exercise:
If every soprano stopped majoring in voice in college, taking private voice lessons and coachings, going to and paying for auditions, attending concerts, subscribing to artistic series and singing in choruses for just one year, the entire vocal music industry would likely collapse. Are you still laughing? This notion might sound dramatic, but it makes clear the indispensable role that sopranos play.
A Voice of Love and Significance
The soprano voice is the most common type of female voice. Consequently, it is the voice of our mothers. And, our grandmothers–wives, sisters, and daughters. It’s a voice we associate with love. So, for heaven’s sake, cut those ladies a break! Where would the world be without those beautiful sounds? Are you still laughing?!
Empowering Sopranos: A Call to Action!
Sopranos! You should thrive and feel valued. So, try some affirmations, if you’re blue. Say them daily, if that helps.
- “As a Soprano, I Belong and am Valued”: Every soprano has a place in the world of music and should feel a sense of belonging and appreciation.
- “My Soprano Voice is Unique and Beautiful”: Each soprano possesses a unique voice that contributes to the diversity and richness of the musical landscape.
- “A Vibrato is a Beautiful Thing”: Embrace the natural qualities of the soprano voice, including its vibrato, which adds depth and character to the music.
- “I am a Valued Member of the Team and an Inspiration”: Sopranos inspire both their fellow chorus members and the world through their contributions to the art of singing.
The myth that there are “too many sopranos” is unfounded and overlooks the vital role these talented individuals play in the world of vocal music. Sopranos are the most common female voice type and, as a “vocal” majority, deserve to have their voices heard. Let us recognize, appreciate, and support sopranos as they continue to enchant us with their beautiful voices.