A Better Diet? Singers and the Whole-Food Plant-Based (Vegan) Lifestyle

Please be sure to read the singerstickynotes MEDICAL DISCLAIMER before following the advice presented in this post.


In February 2018, I switched to a whole-food plant-based diet for many reasons, mostly health related. The catalysts were two documentaries I saw on Netflix, “Forks Over Knives” and “What the Health?,” both of which I highly recommend. I lost weight and my “numbers” normalized. My energy went through the roof. People say I look twenty years younger. All good!

But, what I didn’t expect was the impact on my singing voice. In four days my tone improved so much, others remarked at it. My gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD), for which I’d been on maximal medication for 20 years, essentially disappeared. I stopped all medications for GERD and have been able to do just fine without.

So, I’m blogging about this! Below you will find links to posts about whole-food plant-based eating which I hope will inspire you as singers and teachers. Have fun and good luck on your journey!

Please be sure to read the singerstickynotes MEDICAL DISCLAIMER before following the advice presented in this post.


The 21 day whole-food plant-based vegan challenge

Steve Harvey’s whole-food plant-based vegan transformation . . .