Hector Berlioz (1803– 1869)

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Hector Berlioz (1803– 1869)

1. What do we need to know about this composer?
Possible answers . . .

  • Composed the first great song cycle in French Mélodie: Les Nuits d’été.
  • Preferred his songs orchestrated.
  • Used diminished seventh chords and chains of sequences to highlight the poetry.

2. Name a song composition by this composer.
Possible answers . . .

Les Nuits d’été

  1. Villanelle (Villanelle)
  2. Le spectre de la rose (The spectre of the rose)
  3. Sur les lagunes (On the lagoons)
  4. Absence (Absence)
  5. Au cimetière (In the cemetery)
  6. L’île inconnue (The unknown island)

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This selection is called:Les Nuits d’été

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