Singing Diction: Italian Vowels Made Easy

The pronunciation of Italian singing diction is the easiest to master of all the foreign languages, including English. With Italian diction, “what you see is what you get.”

All five Italian vowels are pure; no diphthongs or vowel reduction within the single letter to contend with (everything sounding like uh), as with English or French. Here’s some help on pronouncing Italian vowels:

Most vowels in Italian are closed ( i, e, a, o, u). Only two vowels, e and o, have an open position and only when they are stressed. So, when in doubt, sing the vowel as closed. Begin to gradually memorize those important words for which the the or o vowel is open, such as bene (good) or core (heart). Start with that protocol and you’ll be right regarding vowels 90% of the time.