The 21-Day Whole-Food Plant-Based Vegan Challenge: DINNERS THIRD WEEK: “The Week that YouTube Made”

(Click here to return to : The 21-Day Whole-Food Plant-Based Vegan Challenge: Three Weeks of Vegan Meals)

Please be sure to read the singerstickynotes MEDICAL DISCLAIMER before following the advice presented in this post.

Ah, YouTube! The window to the whole world. Where else can we learn what our neighbors are doing, what they care about, how they cope, and how they help?

For this third week of whole-food plant-based vegan dinners, I present my brethren on YouTube, who collectively have created a wealth of great content far superior to anything I might crank out on my own. I’ve tried a lot of these recipes and they’re fantastic. Some are ridiculously easy; some are a little more challenging!

Most foods are prepared and presented on camera from people’s own kitchens. Many have been through medical woe, like the dad who had open-heart surgery. They’ve all made the switch to vegan eating and are giving 100%. They’ll lift your spirits with their infectious optimism.

“But, I can’t cook!” “I can’t change!” “It’s too much trouble!” Blah, blah, blah . . .

Let’s let Ethel Merman answer this!

Vegan Macaroni and Cheese

When I was a kid, my mother had a recipe for macaroni and cheese that we just adored. She’d serve it up about once a week. After I got married and for the first few years, I’d serve it about three times a week (oooh . . . I know. All that cholesterol!). I made the first one of these vegan recipes and we wolfed most of it down in one sitting. I just kept saying, “Remember: this has ZERO cholesterol.” TIP: I recommend using whole wheat pasta for maximum protein punch.

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Garbanzo Fritos

This meal has been a godsend! It’s so easy and delicious, freezes up nicely, and everybody in the family likes it. Lots of plant-based protein, too. I love the way Gloria brings her mother on to cook with her! Gracias!
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Minestrone Soup

Nonna Gina, as her grandkids call her, is not actually vegan. But this recipe is whole-food plant-based and looks delicious. It’s the only one I haven’t made, but I sure will soon. I love how she sings when she cooks!

TIP: Don’t add oil when you sauté the veggies, but rather sauté in a little water at the bottom of the pot. Also, I would more carefully measure the salt added to the dish.

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Lentil Holiday Loaf

I sampled a few turkey substitutes for Thanksgiving, and this is the one that rose to the top. It’s very satisfying, freezes easily, and has lots of nutrition. Give it a try – it’s not hard!

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Buddha Bowl

This video covers everything important that hasn’t been covered so far in the 21-day vegan challenge. Once you’ve made your first Buddha Bowl, you won’t know how you lived without it. Yum!

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DINNER #6 Vegan pulled pork, hummus, and Vegan Sweet potato/vegetable hash

Have you ever seen a sweeter pair than this young lady with her heart-patient dad cooking up vegan food together? The dad is proof that anybody can change at any point in their lives—he even makes it look easy. Look carefully and you’ll see the faded incision scar where he had open heart surgery. Wow . . .

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Vegan Lasagna

This dish has special significance for me because it saved me on my vegan journey!

By the time I’d come to the second week of my own 21-day vegan challenge, I said to myself: “I’m so sick of salad – I will never eat another one again!“ Suddenly, I got really worried, because I so wanted this vegan lifestyle to work.

Then, I discovered Gloria’s vegan lasagna. You would never guess that it’s vegan. It’s so satisfying and tastes so much like real meat lasagna, that it will please everyone. My whole family adores this dish, especially my teenage son, and I have made it at least 100 times in the last two years (that’s not a typo). They say the Chinese way of saying hello is to ask, “Have you had your rice today?“ My son has his own answer: “I’m fine. I’ve already had my lasagna.“ Thanks, Gloria!

BONUS: Vegan Meal Prep for Workout at the Gym (student friendly)

OK, this guy is a pro, but this is not hard. He has contributed so much by offering us this simple set of “workout” vegan foods. I just love it.

(Click here to return to : The 21-Day Whole-Food Plant-Based Vegan Challenge: Three Weeks of Vegan Meals)

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Please be sure to read the singerstickynotes MEDICAL DISCLAIMER before following the advice presented in this post.