
Steve Harvey’s whole-food plant-based vegan transformation . . .

(Click here to return to: DIET: Whole-Food Plant-Based (Vegan) Diet for Singers)
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Of all the vegan celebrities who have caught my eye, the one who really stands out is Steve Harvey. His transformation in all its facets is deeply human and relatable—really a work of art worth watching! Here’s a series of clips documenting his attitude shift from vigorous denier to doubter to satisfied vegan. Hopefully, these videos will be informative and get you laughing—the best medicine of all!

In this video, Steve complains about his vegan family members and vigorously defends his right to eat meat. I love his wicked sense of humor!

In this video, Steve has been on a detox vegan diet for nearly a month and lets us know he can’t stand it. Can anybody relate to this? I sure can…

Here’s another video of Steve complaining about being a vegan. Hilarious!

In this video, Steve has gotten past the detox phase and seems fully committed to his vegan lifestyle change. I love the guest eating the cauliflower “chicken wings.” Bon appétit and enjoy!


Vegan soul food? Sure! Here, Steve shows that a vegan lifestyle can be adapted to any type of ethnic food. This is one of its greatest strengths: you don’t have to stop being who you are to remove all animal products from your diet and live a healthier life.

(Click here to return to: DIET: Whole-Food Plant-Based (Vegan) Diet for Singers)

Try walking to work!

A lot of our most popular exercises, such as working out with weights or running long miles, may prove problematic for singers. We’re always wondering whether or not these activities are causing tension or siphoning away energy needed for the performance. Singers often carry extra weight on their frames and worry about repetitive stress on their limbs associated with running. So what to do to stay in shape? How do we start?

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