Italian Vowels Made Easy

So Easy!

The pronunciation of Italian singing diction is the easiest to master of all foreign languages, including English. With Italian diction, “what you see is what you get.”

Characteristics of Italian Vowels

All five Italian vowels are pure; no diphthongs, umlauts, or vowel reduction to contend with as with English, German, or French. Here are the basics on pronouncing Italian vowels.

Mastering Italian Vowel Pronunciation

The Italian vowels are: i, e, a, o, u (same as our five vowels in English, but pronounced differently–check the video below!). Most vowels in Italian are pronounced “open” with a distinct and pure sound, so that keeps it simpler. Only two vowels, e and o, have two different pronunciations: closed and open. The open position only occurs when the syllable containing that vowel is stressed. Further more, even in a stressed syllable, these two vowels are not always pronounced in the open position!

Got that? Hang in there . . .

Since there is never more than one stressed syllable in any Italian word (same as with English, by the way…), when in doubt, sing that e or o vowel as closed. Begin to gradually memorize those important words for which the e or o vowel is open, such as bene (good) or core (heart). Start with that protocol, and you’ll be right regarding vowels 90% of the time.


Here is a wonderful summation of Italian vowels that makes the rules abundantly clear.