The 21-Day Whole-Food Plant-Based Vegan Challenge: LUNCH

(Click here to return to : The 21-Day Whole-Food Plant-Based Vegan Challenge: Three Weeks of Vegan Meals)

Please be sure to read the singerstickynotes MEDICAL DISCLAIMER before following the advice presented in this post.

LUNCH (all three weeks):

Salad and (optional) nut butter sandwich

Lunch is a good time to have the salad be the main dish of your meal. Get yourself some plastic containers with lids that are at least 1 quart in size (I like the square Ziploc brand containers) and fill one to the brim with lettuce, cherry tomatoes, cut peppers, shredded carrots, etc. The salad dressing should be only balsamic vinegar (supposedly, it makes the nutrients of the greens more bioavailable).

For added plant-based protein, consider cutting up some tempeh (fermented soybeans) or tofu into the salad. I usually add a natural peanut or almond butter sandwich on whole grain bread on the side. If it’s going to be a really long day at work, I sprinkle nutritional yeast or powdered brewer’s yeast right on the peanut butter (extra protein). That’s a very hearty lunch which gets me through my day. As always, end with a piece of fresh fruit (apple, pear, banana, etc.).


One of my favorite salad-making videos comes from two of my favorite YouTube-ers, Brian and Jessica Krock of, “Krocks in the Kitchen.” I love their goofy 1950’s cooking show music (exclusively for this video!). Btw, they are preparing their DINNER salad, not for lunch. But, it may give you ideas . . . (the salad prep stuff starts at 8 minutes and 3 seconds [8:03], so you might want to slide the time-bar-thingy to there and skip the first 8 minutes. I should know how to do that for you, but I don’t . . . I’m a music teacher!). Hey, have fun with salad. Enjoy!

(Click here to return to : The 21-Day Whole-Food Plant-Based Vegan Challenge: Three Weeks of Vegan Meals)

Please be sure to read the singerstickynotes MEDICAL DISCLAIMER before following the advice presented in this post.