The 21-Day Whole-Food Plant-Based Vegan Challenge: Three Weeks of Vegan Meals

(Click here to return to: A Better Diet? Singers and the Whole-Food Plant-Based (Vegan) Lifestyle)

Please be sure to read the singerstickynotes MEDICAL DISCLAIMER before following the advice presented in this post.

How to go vegan?

So you want to go vegan and you have no idea how to begin? Let’s work together to plan three weeks (the first 21 days) of vegan meals. It’s much easier than you may think!

These recipes are designed to be easy and really doable, even if you don’t cook much. The most important thing is to get started, start feeling better, and be motivated to see it through to the end. The results may surprise you. When you go to your doctor and get your numbers checked, you may emerge a believer . . . or not. Who knows? It’s certainly worth a try.

Why do this?

Please take a moment and listen to Dr. T. Colin Campbell, the author of The China Study, about his findings regarding diet and animal products. I’ve put this video first for a good reason: It’s that important. Everyone needs to know about his research findings and to hear his message.

Read: Eat to Live by, Dr. Joel Fuhrman

Be sure to pick up a copy of Eat to Live by, Dr. Joel Fuhrman who is one of the pioneers of the whole food plant-based dietary approach to preventing and even curing illnesses. He clearly explains the compelling science behind nutrition and blows the lid off of the many abounding misconceptions—and outright lies—about food and our health. He maps out guidelines for transitioning to vegan eating, with lots of meal plans and recipes. He has a great plan for losing weight that actually worked for me (“The salad is the main dish!”). He also zeros-in on foods which may prevent cancer. He calls those foods G-BOMBS (Greens – Beans – Onions – Mushrooms – Berries – Seeds) and they have become an absolute staple of my daily diet. Here is Dr. Fuhrman explaining G-BOMBS:

No oil!

You need to cut oil out of your diet – they’re empty calories and oil beats up your cardiovascular system. (See Dr. Esselstyn’s video below.)

Eat greens, greens, and more greens!

Eating green, leafy vegetables (with vinegar) plays a unique and essential role in cardiovascular health by directly improving the function of the endothelium (the inner lining of the blood vessels where blockages occur). [NOTE: If needed, please advance video to 55:30 for information about the benefits of eating greens.]

Also . . .

A word about fruit…

It’s incredibly important for your health to eat fresh fruit every day. Dr. Greger, citing the scientific literature, reveals that the number one diet based health risk factor for humans is NOT eating enough fruit. Who knew?

Long ago, when we were newlyweds, my husband and I put ourselves on the West Point Fitness and Diet Book portion-control-calorie-restrictive diet. We were young then and it kind of worked! We were new to measuring portions, assigning points to those portions, and balancing food groups on the plate.

We were particularly impressed that the diet plan included eating one piece of fresh fruit at every meal (a rarity in the American diet). We’ve stuck with that fruit habit ever since. Now, there appears to be new scientific evidence reinforcing the importance of eating fruit. Please check out this video:


“I just can’t do this!!”

“But, I can’t cook!”
“I hate vegetables!”
“People will think I’m weird!”
“My family will never go for this!”
“What if I hate it?”
“I can’t change!”
“It’s too much trouble!”
Blah, blah, blah . . .

Let’s let Ethel Merman answer this!


Still can’t face making the change to vegan eating?

Of all the words of advice on how to transition to whole-food plant-based eating, this cheerful, informed doctor has the best message, I think. Before you click away and say “I just can’t do that!”, please hear out Dr. Steven Lome as he puts it all together for you. You’ll be glad you did.

Good Luck and Good Health!



21-Day Whole Food Plant-Based Vegan Challenge


UPDATE: May 8, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has added a new round in the arsenal of the argument against eating animal products. Please hear out this presenter’s assertion that animal husbandry as it is practiced in the 21st century is behind the growing risk of pandemics. Sobering thoughts . . .

(Click here to return to: A Better Diet? Singers and the Whole-Food Plant-Based (Vegan) Lifestyle)

Please be sure to read the singerstickynotes MEDICAL DISCLAIMER before following the advice presented in this post.